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Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

In this article we will tell you about some of the best horror video games currently available for Nintendo Switch

Halloween is now upon us and to enjoy this holiday in style there is nothing better than getting under the covers and play a horror game on your Nintendo Switch. In fact, although it is often mistakenly classified as a children’s console, they are also present on switches so many games that can make your skin crawl. So if you want to play something scary, you can find it in this article some of the best horror video games currently available on Nintendo Switch.

Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Little Nightmares II | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

First we want to talk to you about a title that certainly needs no introduction: Little Nightmares II. In this title you will take on the role of Monoa silent little boy who together with his partner Six will have to face a journey in a disturbing and distorted world in which adults are represented as gigantic deformed monsters.

This game will definitely be able to captivate you thanks to its atmosphere and, above all, to his amazing art style. Furthermore, despite being the second chapter published by Tarsier Studios, Little Nightmares II is a prequel and consequently you can play it even if you have never approached the series before.

Super Lone Survivor | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Lone Survivor is a survival horror psicologico published for the first time in the now distant 2012. In this title you will play the role of a boy who finds himself completely alone in a city infested with nightmarish creatures. Driven by desperation, your protagonist will have to look for a way to escape from this place and to do so he will be forced to deal with both monsters and his own past.

Despite the very simple pixel art, Lone Survivor is a truly exceptional survival horror who will be able to involve you from the very first moments of the game thanks to his particular gameplay and to fascinating story. It was also published last year Super Lone Survivorand remake of the 2012 game which boasts several graphic improvements and a ton of completely new content. In short, if you didn’t play it when it came out, now you no longer have any excuse not to get it again.

SIGNALIS | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Signalis is a survival horror psicologico set in a dystopian future where humans expanded throughout the star system and invented the Replicaandroids extremely similar to them that perform different tasks.

In fact, the protagonist of the story is Elsterone of these androids who will find themselves looking for their human partner within a mysterious mining facility infested with monsters. The title boasts survival horror gameplay very classic and, thanks a little to yours too retro stylewill certainly be able to make you relive the same emotions felt with the great classics of the genre.

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water | Migliori videogiochi Horror Nintendo Switch

Let’s now move on to Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Waterthe version remastered of the last main chapter of the series. In this title you will have to take control of three different protagonists and explore the Monte Hikamian ancient sacred place that is now teeming with ghosts.

The games of this now iconic franchise are characterized by a peculiarity, namely the fact that to defeat the ghosts you will have to take photos of them. In fact, during your adventure you can use the Camera Obscuraa particular one camera vintage capable of sealing the evil spirits that it manages to immortalize. If you love ghost stories, this title is certainly for you.

Resident Evil | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Obviously it couldn’t be missing from an article like this Resident Evil, the father of all survival horror. Most of the main chapters of the series are present on Nintendo Switch, but the one that lends itself best to the portability of the console is certainly the remake of the first chapter. Thanks to this title you will be able to relive the iconic atmospheres of the original Resident Evil in a modern guise boasting both improved visual quality and new, completely original content.

Detention | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Detention is a very particular horror game set in Taiwan in the 1960speriod in which the martial law. The protagonist of this story is a young student who will have to delve inside a school where frightening supernatural events occur.

The title stands out thanks to one very particular artistic style and horror imagery strongly inspired by Taiwanese mythology. It will also be able to capture you thanks to a very interesting story which will deal with increasingly weighty themes as you progress through the adventure.

Darkwood | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Darkwood is a top-down survival horror game it really puts a lot of emphasis on the survival element. In this title you will play the role of a man who finds himself stuck inside a mysterious Soviet forest isolated from the rest of the world.

This nightmarish place is littered with monsters and dangers of all sorts, and as if that wasn’t enough when night falls it becomes even more dangerous. Your goal will therefore be to spend the days collecting resources for later return to your refuge before nightfallthe whole trying to track down the man who could help you escape from the woods.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 | Best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch

Finally, we conclude our article with a game much lighter tones compared to the previous ones: Luigi’s Mansion 3. Obviously this title is not a horror at all but, being a Nintendo exclusive with a slightly scary atmosphere, we couldn’t not include it.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is the third chapter of the iconic series starring the fearful Luigi, intent once again on look for his brother Mario. This time our hero dressed in green will have to venture into the Hotel Miramostri, a place packed with ghosts that you will have to face thanks to the many gadgets created by Professor Strambic.

Fear on Switch

Here ends our guide dedicated to the best Horror video games for Nintendo Switch. We hope that this article has been useful to you and has allowed you to discover some good titles that perhaps you didn’t know about yet.

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