Non fatelo a casa: i rimedi casalinghi (disastrosi) per riparare il tuo smartphone thumbnail

Don’t do it at home: the (disastrous) home remedies to repair your smartphone

October 21st is International Reparations Day and to mark the occasion HMD Globalhouse of telephones Nokia, has selected some epic fails from TikTok reels, which offer do-it-yourself solutions to repair your smartphone. This is why we avoid this type of intervention.

Smartphone repair: why avoid DIY

As imaginative as they are harmful, the solutions proposed by some supposed experts can turn out to be real disasters. And when it comes to smartphone repair at home, there are all sorts of things: toothpaste, rice, lemons, adhesive tape, baking powder and even banana. Many bizarre tricks to repair your device, which risk causing irreparable damage.

The International Day of Repair it is an opportunity for the HMD team to raise awareness on this issue, expressing their opinion on the various failures. From the reactions of the team of experts emerges amazement at people’s belief in the validity of toothpaste or cooking yeast for smartphone repairs. “Our message is very simple: don’t try this at home!” he says Gosia GoniczProject Manager di HMD Global.

And for those who just can’t resist DIY repairs, HMD has designed the new one Nokia G42 5G. “We have produced an easy-to-repair smartphone that comes with a repair kit, so you can intervene independently without running the risk of turning it into a fruit salad.

Nokia G42 5G can be repaired with QuickFix

If the screen of your Nokia G42 breaks when dropped, you can easily replace it with the system QuickFix. This smartphone is designed to be user-repairable and to have a valid solution at hand that does not involve the use of home remedies. The kit, in fact, includes everything needed to replace the screen, charging port and battery independently. Smartphone replacement parts are on iFixit and they start from very accessible prices.

NOKIA G42 smartphone

Currently, Nokia G42 5G is available on the official Italian store in the So Purple, So Pink and So Gray variants. It features 5G connectivity and the back cover is made from 65% recycled plastic. For further protection, you can add the new ultra-thin transparent cover, made with 100% recycled materials.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.