Joe Biden detta le regole sull’intelligenza artificiale negli Stati Uniti thumbnail

Joe Biden sets the rules for artificial intelligence in the United States

We at Tech Princess have also repeated it on who knows how many occasions: artificial intelligence should not a priori be feared or exalted.

It must first be understood, so that it can be used in the most virtuous way possible. And then certainly va normatabecause in these months of generative AI boom we have understood all (or at least many) of its potential, but also the great risks that its immoderate use entails.

Europe has already thought about it with the AI ​​Act. E the G7 countries took care of itwho from the meeting last May in Hiroshima produced a document, which illustrates eleven guiding principles for companies and organizations that develop advanced AI systems.

And now the president of the United States, Joe Biden, has also thought about it, having signed an executive order on artificial intelligence. Let’s find out what it is.

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Joe Biden and the executive order on artificial intelligence

On Monday 30 October, US President Joe Biden signed an executive order to regulate artificial intelligence. Executive order that Congress may or may not enact into law.

The news was published in a note that appeared on the official White House website. In which we read that “the executive order establishes new standards for the safety and security of AI, protects the privacy of Americans, promotes fairness and civil rights, defends consumers and workers, promotes innovation and competition, advances American leadership in the world and more.”

More safety for AI

In the important package of measures, attention to a more conscious and safer use of AI undoubtedly stands out.

To do this, the executive order lists a series of actions to be taken immediately. For example, Companies developing the most powerful AI systems will have to share safety test results and other critical information with the US government.

Additionally, standards, tools and tests will need to be developed to ensure that AI systems are safe, secure and reliable. The National Institute of Standards and Technology will establish rigorous standards for extensive testing before release to the public.

Some guidelines will also be developed to protect citizens from fraud and deception based on the use of AI. For example, the Department of Commerce will work to clearly label AI-generated content.


The new rules dictated by Joe Biden on artificial intelligence also concern privacy.

Attention to the privacy of American citizens will also pass through protection mechanisms that adopt AI.

Privacy-preserving technologies, such as encryption-based tools, will then be strengthened. We will evaluate how agencies collect and use commercially available information. And guidelines will be developed for federal agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of privacy-preserving techniques, including those used in artificial intelligence systems.

The other actions

In the package of new rules on artificial intelligence signed by Joe Biden there is also a place for civil rightsthrough combating algorithmic discrimination, and identifying AI-related civil rights violations.

Furthermore, the responsible use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector and in drug development, but also in education will be promoted. A periodic report will then be produced on the impacts of AI on the labor market and AI will be implemented in order to reduce harm and maximize benefits for workers.

Finally, a series of resources on AI will be made available for developers and entrepreneurs, and international partners will be sought for bilateral and multilateral relationships.

AI Safety Fund

In the note we read that “as part of the Biden-Harris administration’s global strategy for responsible innovation, the executive order builds on previous actions taken by the president, including the work that led to the voluntary commitment of 15 leading companies to promote safe and reliable development of artificial intelligence.”

The reference is to last July, when the meeting between the Biden administration and companies such as Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI and Inflection led to the drafting of the document from which the executive order then arose.

And which, albeit indirectly, stimulated the birth of the AI ​​Safety Fund. That is, the artificial intelligence security fund launched by Google, Anthropic, Microsoft and OpenAI, which we told you about in a very recent article.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.