Apple Music dice addio al piano Voice: cosa cambia per gli abbonati thumbnail

Apple Music says goodbye to the Voice plan: what changes for subscribers

Apple Music says goodbye to the Voice plan: what changes for thumbnail subscribers

Plan Voice Of Apple Music, which allowed you to listen to music only through Siri voice commands, no longer exists. Apple has decided to eliminate this option, launched in October 2021, starting from November 2023.

The reason for this choice could be the low number of users who had subscribed to the Voice plan, which was expensive 4.99 euros per month.

No more Voice piano: Apple Music announcement

The news comes directly from Apple Music’s English support page, which reads:

“Starting in November, Apple will discontinue the Apple Music Voice plan. Our goal is to give our customers the best and most robust music experience possible, with features like immersive spatial audio, Apple Music Sing with real-time lyrics, intuitive search and discovery features, and so much more. All Apple Music plans already work seamlessly with Siri, and we will continue to optimize this experience.”

What changes for subscribers?

Those who were subscribed to the Voice plan will not have to worry about deactivating it, because Apple will do it automatically. However, subscribers will be able to continue using the service until the end of the last billing period.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.