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The mandatory documents to have in your car: here’s what they are in 2024

In this guide dedicated to the world of motors we will discover which are the mandatory documents to have in the car in 2024 to travel legally

In a constantly evolving regulatory environment, it is essential to be informed about the current requirements for road traffic. This guide provides an overview of the necessary and mandatory documents to have in the car to drive legally in 2024. From the requirement to have a driving license to the new provisions regarding the registration certificate and car insurance, we will explore all the crucial information to avoid fines and ensure safe driving that complies with current regulations.

The mandatory documents to have in your car: here's what they are in 2024

License | Mandatory documents to have in the car

The driver’s license It represents an indispensable document for those who intend to drive a vehicle on the road. It is mandatory to always have this document with you, ensuring that it is valid and appropriate for the type of vehicle you are driving. Failure to have a driving license may result in fines ranging from 41 a 168 euroin addition to the possibility of suspension of the license itself for a period of between 15 days and 2 months.

If the license has expired for more than a year, the fine imposed is equivalent to that for those driving without a licence. Who is in possession of the “pink sheet” has the possibility of using it as a substitute for a driving license for a maximum of 6 monthsbut during this period he is required to drive exclusively accompanied by an adult with a valid driving license for at least 10 years.

The mandatory documents to have in your car: here's what they are in 2024

Registration certificate | Mandatory documents to have in the car

At the same time, the registration document constitutes an essential document, certifying ownership of the vehicle, which must always be present inside the vehicle itself. The registration documentalso known as the single circulation document (DUC), certifies the technical characteristics of the vehicle, the owner’s data and any restrictions on circulation.

The lack of this document can result in financial penalties ranging between 41 and 168 eurostogether with the possibility of administrative detention of the vehicle for a period of between 1 and 3 months. In the event of loss or theft of the registration document, it is essential to promptly report the event to the competent authorities and request a duplicate. within 15 days.

The mandatory documents to have in your car: here's what they are in 2024

Insurance | Mandatory documents to have in the car

L’Car Insurance, mandatory by law, plays a crucial role in covering damage caused to third parties or to your car in the event of an accident. The insurance certificate, which certifies the insurance coverage of the vehicle against civil liability towards third parties, must always be on board the vehicle in the original or in a true copy of the original.

In the event that the certificate is lost or stolen, it is necessary to report it within 48 hours and request a duplicate within 15 days. Although it is no longer mandatory to display the insurance coupon on the windshield, it is advisable to have it with you in case of an accident and to fill out the friendly statement. The certificate can also be shown in digital format.

The mandatory documents to have in your car: here's what they are in 2024

Stamp | Mandatory documents to have in the car

Il car tax, certifying the payment of the car tax, is an important document that requires constant verification to avoid heavy fines. The car inspection is mandatory every two years, is also crucial for compliance with traffic regulations. The inspection certificate must always be present inside the vehicle. If the inspection is neglected, you risk incurring significant fines.

Emergency room

In some countries, such as Italy, It is also mandatory to have the first aid kit on board, the warning triangle and the reflective jacket. These extra documents, always present on board, help ensure safety during travel.

The mandatory documents to have in your car: here's what they are in 2024

Drive responsibly

Per avoid heavy fines and ensure safe driving and compliant with current regulations, it is essential to always keep all mandatory documents on board. In the event of loss or theft of one of these documents, it is crucial to immediately report the event to the competent authorities to avoid possible sanctions. Furthermore, it is advisable to periodically check the validity of these documents and respect the revision deadlines to avoid further financial and legal consequences. There compliance with regulations in traffic matters, it represents an essential commitment for every motorist, helping to ensure road safety and compliance with society’s rules.

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