Una startup inglese sta sviluppando i primi videogiochi per cani thumbnail

A British startup is developing the first video games for dogs

We are still far from the era of dog esports, but the world is definitely moving forward in this direction. Advancing at a dog’s pace. Already because the first video games for dogs are about to be born, thanks to the commitment of a British startup called Joipaw. And the name says it all.

“The hardest thing was getting the dogs to start playing without peanut butter on the screen, but when they do, it’s the magic moment where you see the light in their eyes,” he said. Dersim Avdar, co-founder of Joipaw. They are English, we forgive them for British humor (and we appreciate it immensely).

Dog video games on an anti-spittle console

Currently the Joipow games are all in the prototype stage, but thanks to their website we have some information about this nice project. One of the titles being tested is a modified version of Whack-a-mole, in which the dogs have to choose which side of the screen the most bubbles appear on. In the event of a positive response, the dog is rewarded, using the educational technique of reinforcement positive.

To play the dogs use a specific saliva-resistant touchscreen console. In this way the “player” can lick and interact with the game. No controllers. For those you need at least opposable thumbs. The prototype console is already available for purchase on the Joipow website for just $6.

Joipaw video game console for dogs

Dog esports? Don’t laugh: Joipaw’s plans are clear

Joipaw’s story is downright fascinating. “It all started with a puppy named Kawet – says Dersim Avdar – that we wanted to keep busy and happy when we weren’t at home. Given our love of video games, outdoor activities and healthy lifestyles, it didn’t take long before we decided to found Joipaw.”

On the website, however, it reads: “Our goal is to push for a better understanding and inclusion of dogs and animals in human societies, showing the world how intelligent animals these are”.

Avdar went on to state that the console may have health benefits for dogs. Joipaw indeed collaborates with Clara Mancini, a scientific consultant. Mancini argues that video games are a great way to further research the psychology of dogs.

Can we therefore expect eSports for dogs? There is very little to laugh about, because the Joipaw console already provides online global leaderboards. And to dispel any doubts Avdar said: “In the future we will have eSports for dogs.”

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.