A group of hackers may have used ChatGPT

A group of hackers may have used ChatGPT

A group of hackers may have used ChatGPT to create thumbnail malware

Cardboard human head cutout revealing circuit board content

Artificial intelligence continues to be talked about: ChatGPTl’IA in OpenAi, fell into the hands of a group of hackers who is using his abilities to create malware and ransomware. This is what was highlighted by Check Point Research which identified several posts on hacking forums discussing the possibility of creating malicious software using ChatGPT. Here are the details on the matter:

ChatGPT was used to create malware by a group of hackers

The fields of application of artificial intelligence are truly numerous. As highlighted by Check Point Research, a group of hackers would have used the capabilities of ChatGPT to create malware and ransomware with the aim of carrying out cyber attacks.

On the net there are several “cluesabout this particular project. Certainly, AI in the hands of cybercriminals risks becoming a serious danger and the cybersecurity industry needs to monitor this situation very closely.

The first confirmations regarding the actual use of ChatGPT by the group of hackers should arrive only in the next few weeks. More details on the matter are expected to emerge over the next few weeks.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.