Un nuovo cyber attacco dalla Russia colpisce gli USA thumbnail

A new cyber attack from Russia hits the US

A new cyber attack from Russia hits the USA thumbnail

From Russia comes a new and articulated cyber attack against the USA. According to what has emerged in these hours, in fact, a series of cyber attacks against government, corporate and American think tank computer networks have started from Russia. The attack comes a few months after the summit between Vladimir Putin and American President Joe Biden and the American sanctions on Russia due to a series of similar operations launched in the past.

New cyber attack from Russia against the USA

The American media reports the information revealed by some Microsoft executives and several cyber security experts. New cyber attacks against the USA have started from Russia and, in particular, against a series of “sensitive objectives”. The new wave of attacks, in fact, has hit “Resellers and other service providers”Of cloud services as reported by Microsoft. The operation would be aimed at all” acquisition of data stored in the cloud. The issue is yet to be clarified in various respects and further details on the extent of the attack may emerge over the next few days.

The Russian secret services behind the new attack

According to information arriving from the USA, behind the new cyber attack there would be theSVR, or the Russian foreign secret services. Recall that the SVR is also accused of cyber attacks with which Russia attempted to influence the 2016 American elections that ended with Trump’s victory.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.