In arrivo un nuovo Pokémon Presents: ecco quando si terrà thumbnail

A new Pokémon Presents is coming: that’s when it will be held

The Pokémon Company is preparing to offer his makes an important update on everything related to the Pokémon. It recently announced the arrival of a new one Pokémon Presentsto be held on August 3, 2022.

During the new Pokémon Presents, the company will offer updates on the app and on Pokémon video gamesincluding this year’s main releases, Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. Let’s find out all the details together.

Pokémon Presents 2022 coming in a few days

The new Pokémon Presents will be held this Wednesday and will be streamed on the Pokémon YouTube channel starting at hours 15:00 Italian. In addition to Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, we may receive title updates for mobile devices come Pokémon Unite e Pokémon Go and perhaps we may even receive news about the long-awaited Pokémon Sleep – or at least we hope so.

However, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet will, in all likelihood, the stars of the show. Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have revealed very little about the next major titles in the Pokémon series, coming to Nintendo Switch on November 18so we expect a roundup of news this Wednesday.

In June, The Pokémon Company provided fans with some information, including the new Pokémon they will be adding to three starts of Scarlatto and Violetto and also the new ones Legendary Pokémon, Koraidon and Miraidon. The new Pokémon will also feature two of the series’ most interesting professors, the Professor Now and the Professor Turo.

Unfortunately Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have not revealed anything about the gameplay of the title which, among other things, seems to be characterized by time travel. At the moment we have no further information regarding the event; So we just have to wait for Wednesday to find out what Nintendo has in store for us.

In the meantime, for more information, you can consult the official site.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.