One of the most important shareholders of Appleil National Legal and Policy Center, asked to remove Tim Cook from Apple’s Board of Directors. The shareholder, a group politically aligned with the conservatives, also wants to remove the former US vice president from the board Al Gore. Everything will be decided in the meeting of 10 March.
Tim Cook, a shareholder wants to remove him from the board
Apple’s next meeting of shareholders on March 10 could be much more active than usual. According to reports from Fox Business, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), one of the most important investors in Apple, has asked to remove two members from the board: Tim Cook and Al Gore.
Paul Chesser, of the NLPC, explains: “Al Gore was never qualified to serve on the board of directors of Apple, so staying there for over 20 years is absurd”. According to the NLPC, the former Clinton administration vice president and climate change activist lacks the qualifications. Chesser called it a “false prophet” whose “prophecies of natural disasters have proven to be untrue”. THEThe reference seems to be to climate change, which the scientific community has recognized for years now. It is unclear what reference the NLPC sees with Apple and why include this comment in the statements.
The other big attack is against the CEO, Tim Cook.
According to NLPC, Tim Cook is expected to reveal all business that Apple conducts in China, explaining what is happening in the supply chain in the country. Apple has always built iPhones, the best-selling product, in China.
It seems unlikely that shareholders can follow these motions. But we expect a more animated meeting than ever on March 10th.
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