A Way To Be Dead è disponibile su Steam thumbnail

A Way To Be Dead is available on Steam

Crania Games, independent developer and author of the acclaimed Roots of Insanity, announces the release of A Way To Be Dead. The new title arrives on Steam in versione Early Access and can be purchased by all users of the platform at a price of just 5.69 euros. On the occasion of the official debut on Staem, the game of Crania Games is also shown in an interesting launch trailer.

The new A Way To Be Dead debuts on Steam

Available in early access on Steam this week, A Way To Be Dead is an asymmetrical multiplayer (4 vs 1). Players will be able to play as a group of zombies or take on the role of their intended victim, Dr. Riley, who will have to make every effort to save himself.

For more details on the game you can refer to official Steam page. The title supports co-op and PvP both online and via LAN. It should be noted, however, that there is no support for the Italian language. The title, being in Early Access, will receive new content in the near future with the aim of enriching the gaming experience.

The game’s launch trailer

The new title of Crania Games shows itself immediately in an interesting official trailer which reveals some features of the title, also showing gameplay sequences and the graphic quality of the game. Here is the trailer in question:

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.