Acer porta a Fiera Didacta le sue soluzioni per la Scuola 4.0 thumbnail

Acer brings its solutions for School 4.0 to the Didacta Fair

Acer brings its solutions for School 4.0 to the Didacta Fair thumbnail

From 12 to 14 October 2023, Acer will participate in the second Sicilian edition of Fiera Didactathe event dedicated to the world of education and training.

For the occasion, the Acer stand will host the most innovative and sustainable devices for the creation of digital classrooms, laboratories for the professions of the future and immersive learning environments.

Acer solutions at Fiera Didacta 2023

Among the products on display at the Acer stand will be the series notebooks TravelMate B3 e Spin B3 (ideal for primary schools) and laptops TravelMate from the P2 series (perfect for teachers). Also present Chromebook 314 and convertibles Chromebook Spin 511 e 512which guarantee speed, ease of use and versatility.

For the occasion, Acer will also present the devices Predator, the brand dedicated to gaming, which can also be used in the education sector. The idea is to make learning more engaging and constructive through Game-Based-Learning. After all, if gamification works in the world of work, why on earth shouldn’t it work in education?

This teaching method exploits the immersive logic of video games to achieve educational objectives and stimulate students’ interest, especially in the STEM field.

Finally, Acer will also showcase the technology SpatialLabs, which allows you to enjoy a 3D experience without using a headset. This technology can be applied to various educational and educational contents in 3D, to promote immersive and engaging learning.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.