Age of Darkness: Final Stand svela Rebellion’s Rise thumbnail

Age of Darkness: Final Stand svela Rebellion’s Rise

Age of Darkness: Final Stand svela Rebellion’s Rise thumbnail

Team17 e PlaySide Studios issued Rebellion’s Risethe latest update of the dark fantasy survival real-time strategy game Age of Darkness: Final Stand. The update introduces the former Hero long-range early access title, Cyrusa noble turned rebel, who can inflict ranged attacks with his bow and slow the advance of the Nightmare horde with explosive caltrops. Let’s find out all the details.

Rebellion’s Rise, the latest update of Age of Darkness: Final Stand

Rebellion’s Rise also introduces new units for each of the game’s three factions: theharbingera slow-moving ranged support unit for i You flew; il rogue with fast movement and high attack speed for the Rebellion; and the lightbearera multipurpose unit forOrder able to scout, fight or heal allies, with the added benefit of being able to scout through the Velo – game fog of war – without consequences.

As Cyrus gains experience and levels up in his fight against the Nightmares, further abilities are unlocked, including:

  • Splinter Strike (level 2): A passive ability that creates a conical area of ​​effect behind the point of impact.
  • Snipe (level 3): deals high damage to the first target hit; each enemy hit also has a chance to trigger a Shrapnel Strike.
  • Caltrops (level 4): Spawns 25 to 50 small but explosive caltrops that have a slowing effect and splash damage, as well as being able to trigger other caltrops to explode.
  • Violent Volleyball (Level 6): A volley of arrows that detonates any caltrops it overlaps with, as well as having a 30% chance to trigger Splintering Shot and increased attack speed for Cyrus.

We remind you that the title is currently available in Early Access on Steam.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.