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Alan Wake 2: revealed the duration of the title of Remedy!

Recently, during an interview with Thom Puha, Director of Communications, Remedy Entertainment revealed the duration of Alan Wake 2: let’s find out all the details together in this dedicated article

We must admit that the month of October this year could be quite challenging for your (and ours, mind you) wallets. Between Forza Motorsport, Assassin’s Creed Mirage and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 also intervened Alan Wake 2, sequel to the 2010 original by Remedy Entertainment which will arrive on October 17 as a cross-platform title on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | St. And, in the meantime, Remedy continues to reveal numerous details about the game, such as its actual duration.

Alan Wake 2: what will be the duration of the Remedy title?

Being able to catch the correct duration of a game is very complex, sometimes almost impossible. This is even more true if we are dealing with survival horror titles, in which it is also important to know how to keep the right pace and, at the same time, make sure that the player is always on his toes, and none of that is possible if the game turns out to be too short or too long. While it’s true that Remedy has always been a master of pace and meeting (or exceeding) gamer expectations, will she be able to do the same with Alan Wake 2?

In a recent interview with Thom Puha, Remedy’s Director of Communications, the man stated that, if we leave out variables such as the player’s skill level (and that Alan Wake 2 is still far from finished), the game should easily exceed 20 hours. If we also consider that Remedy has always stressed that the second chapter will place greater emphasis on exploration and that replayability will be encouraged and that, finally, two story expansions are already planned… we understood each other.

Hoping that the actual duration of Alan Wake 2 is not really so long as to become almost frustrating, we just have to wait hopefully for next October 17th. And what do you think? Let us know below in the comments, we will continue to keep you updated with all the gaming and tech-themed news, guides and reviews! And if you are interested in game keys at advantageous prices, we suggest you take a look at the Kinguin catalogue!

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.