Alexa pronta a festeggiare il Natale (anche con chi lo odia) thumbnail

Alexa ready to celebrate Christmas (even with those who hate it)

With the arrival of Natale 2023, Alexa is preparing to celebrate the holidays: Amazon’s virtual assistant has many surprises for both large That little ones. And also for those who hate Christmas and root for the Grinch.

Alexa and all the news for Christmas 2023

For those who want to track time, Alexa it will be a precious ally: just ask “Alexa, how long until Christmas?” to get a precise answer, even up to minutes. Furthermore, with Alexa you can follow Santa’s adventures by asking “Alexa, where’s Santa?” or even interact directly with him by saying “Alexa, let me talk to Santa Claus“.

On December 22, users will have the chance to receive a special reply from Carolina BenvengaSanta Claus’ official assistant, who will present the choreographies of the Skill Let’s learn to dance with Carolina.

Those who don’t like to celebrate can have fun by asking “Alexa, I hate Christmas!”, to hear funny and ironic statements in perfect Grinch style.

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Alexa he even prepared an unpublished song Christmas rap, available with the voice request “Alexa, play me the Christmas rap”. Furthermore, he will be thrilled to sing some of the most famous traditional Christmas songs on request, such as “Alexa, sing Jingle Bells”. Additionally, you can ask “Alexa, tell me a joke about Christmas” and “Alexa, tell a Christmas story“.

For the little ones, Amazon Kids are Alexa offers a fun and safe environment. Through questions like “Alexa, what is the biggest question of Christmas?” or “Alexa, does Santa Claus know what I want for Christmas?”, children can play and have fun in the company of the voice assistant.

Also, just say “Alexa, Merry Christmas!” to start the magical countdown towards the most awaited moment of the year. In short: Alexa has everything you need for these parties.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.