Alexa supporta la campagna "Cresce il freddo, cresce la prevenzione" della Croce Rossa Italiana thumbnail

Alexa supports the campaign “The cold grows, the prevention grows” of the Italian Red Cross

During the coldest days of the year, AlexaAmazon’s voice assistant, has chosen to support the campaign “The cold grows, prevention grows”started by Italian Red Cross with Legambiente.

The campaign against the cold powered by Alexa. The details

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The goal is to make users in Italy aware of the importance of informing themselves about preventive and operational actions that can help us reduce the impact of cold snaps. At the same time, join forces to promote actions that combine respect for the environment and attention to health

Alexa’s Cold Snap Quiz

Extreme cold waves cause damage and inconvenience, with important social and health repercussions on the population. To get information on how to protect yourself from the cold, it is possible to say “Alexa, open Cold Snap Quiz”.

Through the quiz, Alexa will provide practical suggestions from the Italian Red Cross on habits to adopt in the coldest period of the year such as, for example, what is the ideal humidity to maintain in the house, what habits it is advisable to adopt to avoid heat loss and what are the food recommendations for days with colder temperatures.

Alexa Italian Red Cross

Also, when Alexa is greeted with a “Alexa, good morning!”, will answer in a different way than usual: Good morning! Brrr how cold it is, these are the days of the blackbird! They are called this because according to the Roman myth, winter would trigger frost, snow and rain to stop the blackbird, a bird that announces spring. If you want to listen to the advice of the Red Cross on how to protect yourself from the cold, ask me “open the Quiz on Cold Waves”.

Italian Red Cross, what is it

Italian Red Cross, the largest voluntary organization in Italy (and in the world) whose purpose is health and social assistance, both in times of peace and in times of conflict. A high profile association, it is placed under the High Patronage of the President of the Republic. The CRI is part of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

In its actions, at the international level it coordinates with the International Committee of the Red Cross in countries in conflict and with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.