Aloy conquista la copertina digitale di Vanity Fair Italia thumbnail

Aloy conquers the digital cover of Vanity Fair Italia

The world of fashion and video games come together for celebrate the moment icon: Aloystar of Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West, has conquered the digital cover of Vanity Fair Italia. Aloy is officially this month’s star. Let’s find out all the details together.

Aloy is the protagonist of Vanity Fair Italia

Aloy-Vanity-Fair-tech-princess (1)

Aloy is the protagonist of the digital magazine, published on February 18 in honor ofrelease of Horizon Forbidden West. In this special edition of the publication, the release discusses how Aloy quickly became one iconic protagonist and the fan favorite character. In particular thanks to the way she represents women in video games that, often, they are characterized by unrealistic designs.

The article in which the heroine is the protagonist is titled “Aloy and the revolution”. It covers his broad appeal with the audience, including cosplayers who are, once again, wearing their red wigs to represent the character. Part of the article describes our heroine perfectly. Vanity Fair Italia writes:

With her freckled cheeks and austere appearance, Aloy has managed to redeem an industry that is finally free from labels: Aloy is neither mother nor spouse, nor supporting actor or helper, but a strong and courageous woman who, in a world where gender differences no longer exist, uses her weapons to discover herself, taking with her all her weaknesses, fears and reservations that belong to the psychological complexity of mankind.

An icon for the public: not only Aloy but also Guerrilla Games

The piece also talks about the team behind Horizon Forbidden West, extremely fulfilled ed proud how Aloy is winning the hearts of the public. Vanity Fair Italia also reports the words of Angie Smets, executive producer of Horizon. Smets states: “If we look at the most recent PlayStation stats we find, in fact, that approx 42 percent of the players are women. I firmly believe that we have managed to create a character that players like regardless of whether they are male or female. “

The public is not praising Guerrilla Games only for the characterization of Aloy. The developer has earned the public’s trust as well because it is managed to avoid the crunch. The director of the game has indeed revealed that he has postponed the release of the title so that the team could avoid the crunch.

Unfortunately, when it comes to big, near-deadline projects, many teams find themselves in a crunch phase. This means they are forced to do excessive overtime and, often, they also find themselves working 80 hours a week to finish the project by the deadline date. So if a huge title like Forbidden West managed to avoid it, what’s the excuse of the other developers?

To read the article by Vanity Fair and admire our heroine on the cover, you can consult the official website.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.