Amazon elimina la possibilità di acquistare contenuti digitali su Android thumbnail

Amazon avoids Google commissions: digital purchases via app suspended

Amazon eliminates the ability to purchase digital content on Android thumbnail

Amazon takes a stand against Google’s fees for in-app digital purchases. The company has eliminated the ability to purchase digital content for users through the Amazon app. This choice is linked to the 30% commission on purchases applied by Google. This fee is applied from April to all Android applications with collections exceeding $ 1 million per year.

Amazon stops selling digital content through the app to “comply with Google Play Store policies”

As also indicated by the Amazon app, the current choice is linked to the need for “respect the policies of the Google Play Store “. By allowing the purchase through the app, in fact, 30% of the amount paid by the user would go to Google. A policy of this type has been pursued by Amazon for some time on iOS. Of course, no commissions are charged on the purchase of non-digital products. Sales on Amazon continue as normal, net of digital content.

The alternative proposed to users

To purchase digital content on Amazon from your Android smartphone, as the Amazon app also points out, which remains 100% usable by users with a device equipped with the Google operating system, you can refer to Basically, it is necessary open the browser (there is no direct link from the app to comply with the store policies) and complete the purchase. We will see if Amazon retraces its steps or continues to use this system for the sale of digital content via the app.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.