Amazon, il Climate Pledge ha 100 nuovi firmatari thumbnail

Amazon, the Climate Pledge has 100 new signatories

Amazon e Global Optimism announced others 100 Climate Pledge signatorieswith the total rising to 300. There are a large number of companies that undertake to monitor and report their emissions, to implement the Paris Accords focusing on sustainability.

Amazon, 100 new signatories for the Climate Pledge

Among the new signatories are companies such as Maersk, the largest merchant shipping company in the world. And then the company that produces one of the most used management software ever, SAP. And again the timber company Weyerhaeuserthe company for solar panels Sunrun and the brand HARMAN for audio and connected car.

With these new entrants, the Pledge signatories have a total turnover $ 3.5 trillion, they have more than 8 million employees. And they are spread across 29 countries, in 51 sectors.

climate pledge

The signatories undertake to report their emissions and have to decrease them in line with the Paris climate agreements. The goal is to use renewable energy, focus on efficiency and the circular economy. Neutralizing all CO2 emissions by 2040.

Andy Jassy, CEO di Amazoncomments: “The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly present in our daily life and in everything around us, which is why we firmly believe that the private sector must continue to innovate and collaborate across different geographical areas and industrial sectors. to decarbonise the global economy on a large scale ”.

Today the Climate Pledge also welcomes companies that have exploited the Climate Pledge Fund, the 2 billion investment fund that Amazon has allocated to innovate towards the green economy. Among these are aerospace BETA Technologies e Infiniumwhich produces renewable fuel technologies.

You can find more information on all signatories on the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.