Amazon lavora ad una funzione live audio per Alexa thumbnail

Amazon works on a live audio function for Alexa

Amazon works on a live audio feature for Alexa thumbnail

The Clubhouse trend continues to spread. After Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, Amazon is now also working on a new feature of live audio per Alexa. This was revealed by the Axios website, which confirms that the Seattle giant is focusing on the project to expand the range of content that its voice assistant can provide to users. Not just podcasts and radio shows, but also live audio. An option very similar to that of the Clubhouse, albeit better structured, because it will guarantee you can follow real concerts and live shows. Let’s find out more about it then.

Amazon Live Audio, the new Alexa feature

These days Axios reported on the Amazon live audio project, led by the Music division of the technology giant. But what is it really about? Of a function very similar to that launched by Clubhouse, which includes however podcast e live shows. More specifically, in fact, it is a particular method of streaming available to artists and celebrities, who can thus use it for concerts and events. In this way it will be possible to reach a wide audience even in a historical phase in which the pandemic does not allow to participate in person in artistic and cultural events.

Precisely for this reason Amazon is currently in contact with some of the most well-known record labels. Another important step, therefore, towards integration into the world of radio and audio. It is no coincidence, in fact, that Amazon’s live audio mode would also be supported by the video live Twitch. In this way, therefore, the technological giant equips Alexa with an innovative and absolutely useful function. On the other hand, the pandemic has taught us a lot, and the Seattle company seems to have learned its lesson perfectly.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.