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American teenagers choose TikTok and leave Facebook

A research of the Pew Research Center demonstrates how American teenagers, between 13 and 18, are increasingly choosing TikTok and leave Facebook. Also Instagram e Snapchat have grown a lot, while YouTube it is the only platform that remains virtually ubiquitous.

American teenagers love TikTok and leave Facebook

The Pew research center reports statistics on the use of social media among American teenagers, also evaluating the growth since 2014 (for the social media then present). TikTok seems to conquer a lot of guys, so much so that 67% use it. And 16% say they use it “practically always”.

Facebook, on the other hand, drops from 71% in 2014 to 32% today, proving to be more of a social media for Millennials than Gen Z. YouTube dominates the 2022 ranking with a resounding 95% of users using it. Although it must be said that it is a very different content platform from the others.

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However, he remains on the podium Instagram, which grows up to 62%followed by Snapchat with a good 59%. Facebook is pretty far behind at 32%, followed by Twitter, down to 23% (compared to 32% eight years ago). And then Twitch with 20%, WhatsApp with 17%, Reddit with 14% e Tumblr with 5%.

The research center reports that over the years it has stopped following Vine e Google+, because eliminated. And he started following others like TikTok. Which appears to be used more often by girls than boys, as well as by high percentages of African American and Hispanic teenagers.

35% of teenagers use at least one social network: “Practically always”, with YouTube in first place with 19%, followed by TikTok with 16% and then Snapchat at 15%.

It is also interesting to see how 55% think they spend the right time on social media, with 36% who believe they stay too long.

You can learn more by reading the entire report at this address.


Pew Research Center

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.