Apple e Meta hanno fornito dati degli utenti agli hacker? thumbnail

Apple and Meta allegedly provided user data to hackers with bogus warrants

Apple e Metaparent company of Facebookthey would provided free informationyou of their customers to hackers, who have scammed them by presenting legal documents. According to the report, the companies have provided addresses, telephone numbers and IP addresses of users.

Apple and Meta reportedly provided user data to hackers

The news comes from Bloomberg, which cites three anonymous sources in its report. According to what emerged, the hackers pretended to be members of the police. In the middle of last year, he would have submitted a request for information pretending an emergencyto. They would show fake government documents in support of your request.

Meta’s spokesperson Andy Stone he would have replied: “We evaluate each request for information based on legal information and use advanced systems and processes to validate requests of the police and identify abuses “. And even without admitting anything directly to the specific case, he wrote: “we work with the police to respond to incidents regarding suspicious requests, as we did in this case”.

Meta users

Apple did not respond but indicated the guidelines for cooperation with law enforcement. Where we read that in suspicious cases Apple reserves the right to contact superiors of the agents who apply.

It seems that too Snap, owner of Snapchat, has received similar requests. But it is currently unclear whether she has accepted these requests.

According to Bloomberg reports there is a possibility that the hackers in question are American and British citizens, perhaps minors. The suspicion is that it may be the now infamous Lapsus $ hacker gang, although there have been no claims and the modus operandi seems different.

The situation is still shrouded in uncertainty, we will keep you updated on developments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.