Apple trova nuovi fornitori per iPhone 14 thumbnail

Apple finds new suppliers for iPhone 14

Apple finds new suppliers for iPhone 14 thumbnail

To avoid having problems in the future for the supply chain, Apple is expanding the number of providers per iPhone 14. Recently, he would have added to the list too SG Microwhich would pass the Cupertino quality tests for the Pro models coming in September.

Apple, new suppliers for iPhone 14

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo on Thursday, July 21, confirmed that SG Micro would pass Apple’s quality tests for the iPhone 14. Kuo explains that the company would take care of the chip PMIC (Power Management Integrated Circuitry for the iPhone 14, throughout the second half of 2022.

This would be the first time that SG Micro has been supplying high-end iPhone products, but this choice also comes to deliver more flexibility to Apple to manage the demand for smartphones. Also because according to Kuo himself, some suppliers of panels and memories for the smartphone would already be suffering the first delays.

iPhone 14 what do we know

However, Kuo thinks Apple will manage to deliver on consumer expectations and supply a fair amount of iPhones. He also contradicted some reports that the chip supplier TSMC wanted to reduce production chip for iPhone 14 by 10%.

New chips that it seems, however, should arrive only on the Pro and Pro Max models of the new smartphone from Cupertino, while the base and Max models will be equipped with the A15 processor already seen on models of this generation.

The new iPhone 14 aims to revolutionize the Apple line, which expects sales even higher than the records of this generation. And so it’s getting ready to handle them.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.