Apple punta sul wearable: in arrivo nuovi smart glasses, AirPod e smart ring? thumbnail

Apple is focusing on wearables: new smart glasses, AirPods and smart rings coming soon?

Apparently Apple plans to launch on the market new wearable devices to expand and consolidate its role in this specific segment. A certainly wise choice, given that currently wearable products with the big bitten apple logo generate around 10% of revenues (double compared to 2014). We are obviously talking about products like the Apple Watch e AirPodswhose sales have grown year on year.

It is therefore not surprising that Cupertino is thinking of new innovative devices, as reported by Mark Gurman, well-known Bloomberg journalist. He revealed that Apple engineers were already testing a smart ring and gods smart glasses.

What can we expect from Apple’s new wearables?

Among the rumors revealed by Gurman, who we remember is not an official source of the company, we find one smart ring for physical health monitoring. The device would be decidedly more discreet than a smart watch, and would allow you to monitor heart rate, oxygen saturation and calories burned, as well as other metrics (which Apple is not new to anyway). This ring could connect to Apple’s Health and Fitness apps, thus becoming an accessory for iPhone. After all, Oura Health and Amazfit have already shown that this idea is feasible, while Samsung will launch its Galaxy Ring by the end of the year.

The eyeglasses intelligentAccording to Gurman, however, they are still in a research phase. Apple’s project would be to radically revolutionize the user experience with integrated audio and artificial intelligence functions. Gurman believes that smart glasses can replace AirPods, offering a more integrated solution and avoiding the need to wear separate earphones. These glasses could have a more affordable price than the very expensive Apple Vision Pro headset, opening the door to a wider market.

Smarter AirPods coming soon?

About AirPods: Gurman believes Apple’s ambitions would be to make them smarter, adding cameras, health sensors and advanced artificial intelligence capabilities. The ultimate goal may be to offer consumers many of the benefits possible with a pair of smart glasses but without the need to wear actual glasses with lenses and frames.

The project, with code name B798would have started last year involving some company engineers whose first aim would be to understand how to insert the camera sensors without making the AirPods too bulky.

We remind you that what is contained in this article are the revelations of an insider, and that Apple has not yet officially announced any of the aforementioned products.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.