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Apple is working on a “cheap” AR/VR viewer: it will cost the same as the iPhone

According to several sources, the first viewer of Apple will arrive this year and will cost around 3000 dollars: but it seems that Apple is also working on a cheaper model of its augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). With a price similar to that top-of-the-range iPhones, could arrive on the market between 2024 and 2025.

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Apple working on a “cheap” AR/VR viewer: it will cost as much as an iPhone

The new device, which currently has no official name, will be less expensive than the one arriving this year, which will have a professional target. In fact, according to The Information and Bloomberg it should rank atAround $1,500: a hundred dollars cheaper than the iPhone 14 Max with 1TB of memory.

The sources heard from the newspapers say that the product avrà a chip like that of the iPhonerather than a processor capable of competing with a Mac like that of the headset arriving in 2023.

keynote apple settembre visore mixed reality

The price around $3000 of the Apple Glasses model coming out this year is not only justified by the powerful chip, but also by the quality of the other components. Let’s talk about due display 4K da Sonya dozen cameras, external batteries and more.

The launch of these new devices follows Apple’s acquisition of NextVRa leading virtual reality company, in 2022. This move allowed Apple to acquire the technology and talent to further develop its AR/VR devices.

Now the time finally comes for Apple to take advantage of these technologies, bringing at least two devices to cover a larger market segment. After all, Apple has already exploited the strategy of positioning more than one version with very different prices in all areas in which it produces hardware. So this device, with a 50% cut compared to the first viewercould find a wide audience.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.