I chip Apple M1 potrebbero far risparmiare milioni alle aziende thumbnail

Apple M1 chips could save companies millions

According to a report by Forrester, i Apple’s M1 chip could save companies millions of dollars compared to buying other PCs. In fact, if the initial cost is higher, over the entire life of the device savings exceed $ 800 per unit.

Apple M1 chips can save businesses

According to the Forrester report (which must be said to be commissioned by Apple), each Mac with an M1 chip saves up to 843 sollari per unit. Although the hardware is high, software maintenance and management allow you to lower expenses. In the analysis there are also quite abstract concepts such as safety and user attention, which are quite situational.

However, the report indicates that companies could save money up to $ 12.4 million over the course of three years for IT support, also thanks to simplified management and zero-touch delivery on macOS. Furthermore, according to Forrester, companies could always save in three years up to $ 37.5 million thanks to improved energy capacity of the device, which offers better performance for every dollar of energy consumed. Finally, it appears that employee productivity may increase for 75 million dollars.


“Before the arrival of the Macs, organizations [intervistate] they mostly used PCs. However, the interviewees explained that there were problems with the use of computers. Managing and delivering PCs (especially remotely) was manual and time consuming for IT ”. Although Apple isn’t the only company to offer such a service, the ability to hand over devices to employees is an advantage.

“With Apple improving performance and energy efficiency with the M1, customers have been able to purchase more Macs while remaining in the same price range as their previous PCs.”

Reports commissioned by companies must always be taken with a grain of salt. But the best efficiency is a metric for IT administrators to keep in mind: the cheapest computer doesn’t always save money. You can read the entire report here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.