Apple Mappe 'restituisce' la Crimea all'Ucraina thumbnail

Apple Maps ‘returns’ Crimea to Ukraine

In Apple Maps and Weather, the Crimea becomes part of Ukraine again, at least when you look at applications outside of Russian borders. It seems that Cupertino has decided to return the territory annexed to Russia since 2014 to Ukraine, one of the first clashes between the two nations now at war.

Apple Maps: Crimea returns to Ukraine

Cupertino did not make any announcements. He simply has updated their Maps and Weather in all geographic areas outside Russia. Previous Apple had tried to stay out of the dispute by not attributing the Black Sea peninsula to any nation. But in 2019 had decided to to attribute Crimea to Russia around the world on Mapp and Meteo. A decision that came in contrast to the international consensus and that he had made anger the Kyiv government.

The Ukrainian embassy in the United States had at the time tweeted: “We all remind Apple that #CrimeaIsUkraine and that it is under Russian occupation, not under its sovereignty ”. While the Russian authorities had recognized the gesture as the correction of an inaccuracy.

Ukrainian anti-war app reface-minCredit: Reuters

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Apple appears to have changed stance.

The annexation of Crimea took place in 2014, after a military invasion of the Peninsula and a referendum in which the population was asked how they would like to leave Ukraine, with no option to stay. The international community condemned the gesture, excluded Moscow from the G8 and imposed sanctions.

The invasion of these days, however, is having a completely different response, not only from the nations opposed to Moscow but also from private individuals. Apple said: “We are deeply concerned about the Russian invasion of Ukraine and we take sides with the people who suffer the effects of this violence. We will continue to assess the situation and will remain in contact with the governments concerned to evaluate the actions to be taken ”.

Apple has removed RT e Sputnik gives App Store, has suspended shipments of its products to Russia. La Mela does not have its own stores in Russia, but has announced that it will continue to sell through official retailers, but with a 50% price increase on all products. Once these products are finished, they will not supply others.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.