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Isaac Wiper, the Russian malware used in Ukraine

Researchers of Eset they have detected a new piece of malware, called Isaac Wiper, which Russia used to attack Ukrainian networks. A wipers that surgically delete the data from government networks and devices. Malicious software planned months in advance to target Ukraine.

Isaac Wiper, the Russian malware that erases data in Ukraine

A software created especially for Ukraine. In fact the researchers of Eset, the company that identified the cyber threat, report that they found no trace of the malware outside the borders of the invaded state. Something that identifies the wiper as a Russian cyber weapon.

A wiper, which cleans up the networks and devices it infects to make them unusable. But according to the researchers, Isaac Wiper has several potential strategic uses. It can in fact be used both for putting out of order government networks and services, as well as taking part of the data hostage as a ransomware. But it also becomes effective as diversionattracting the attention of the Ukrainian cyber defense as Russian attackers move elsewhere.

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“The tools suggest that the attacks have been planned for many months”Explain the researchers. By making it clear once again how Putin had intended to attack Ukraine for a long time now and was preparing all kinds of weapons.

Check Point security experts pointed out how cyber attacks on Ukrainian territory are increased by 196% than before the invasion began. And those of Eset they were able to verify that a few days before the Russian troops entered Ukraine, another wiper was in circulation. Hermetic Wiper, which works differently. And that has attack different institutions than Isaac.

In short, it seems that the coordinated cyber attack by the Russian side had begun even before the actual invasion. Cyber ​​warfare continues to be fought with intent Russians to advance both on land and online. But the response from Ukraine, from allies and even from volunteers on the web is scoring winning hits.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.