Apple prova a rassicurare gli utenti sul nuovo sistema anti-pedofilia thumbnail

Apple tries to reassure users about the new anti-pedophilia system

Apple tries to reassure users about the new anti-pedophilia system. Thumbnail

I Apple’s new anti-pedophilia systems have created not a little confusion among iOS users and even the employees of the Cupertino company have raised many doubts about the new systems. To try to throw water on the fire is Craig Federighi, senior vice president of software engineering di Apple. The manager gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal trying to clarify the matter and pointing out Apple’s communication errors on the new system.

Apple’s anti-pedophilia system has been misinterpreted according to Federighi

Federighi pointed out how there have been demisunderstandings about the new anti-pedophilia system developed by Apple for iCloud and iMessage. According to the manager, what Apple has done has been “widely misunderstood”. Federighi confirmed that Apple will not scan user images. Privacy, which in recent months has become one of Apple’s main marketing weapons, will continue to be guaranteed to all users of iOS devices.

The system cannot be exploited by governments to violate user privacy

The Apple manager specified that the new pedophilia system it cannot be exploited by governments or police forces. It will not be possible to spy on users with these systems. According to Federighi, Apple will initiate a check only after the system has identified at least 30 matches in user photos with a CSAM image database (Child Sexual Abuse Material).

The unclear points on the functioning of Apple’s anti-pedophilia system, despite Federighi’s assurances, remain. To learn more about the issue, you can take a look at the full interview with the manager released at Wall Street Journal.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.