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Apple will “break” the App Store: only in Europe will it allow sideloading

The European Commission wants that Apple allow the sideloading of apps on iOS: in other words, that users can install applications even outside the App Store. But it seems that Cupertino wants to separate the European App Store from the rest of the world. In this way, only on our continent will we be able to download apps outside the Apple digital store.

Apple will allow sideloading outside the App Store, but only in Europe

After pushing the Californian company to adopt the standard USB-C replacing the door LightningEurope wants the opening ofApp Store al sideloading. Users should be able to download applications from third-party sources, such as alternative stores or external websites. All in the name of competition, through the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Which provides for fines based on a percentage of global revenue: the type of sanction that no company can avoid.

According to the previews of Mark Gurmanwell-known Bloomberg journalist expert in Cupertino, Apple could take a phased approach to comply with regulations, initially applying the changes only to the European App Store. Il sideloading of apps from third-party stores or external websites will only arrive in Europe, as will the promotion of offers outside the App Store and the use of payments outside those managed by Apple.

Apple store munich

However, in the rest of the world there will be no changes. The arrival of the USB-C port brought real technological advantages (faster charging and data transfer) and having two versions of the iPhone, with and without Lightning, would have led to higher production costs. For changes to the App Store, however, Apple can easily use different sizes in different continents, without costs and without disadvantages.

The move to open theApp Store European all’sideloading it would represent an epochal change for Apple, which rigorously controls its ecosystem. Europe will oblige Cupertino to do so by March 7th, as Wired reminds us. But there is no obligation to grant it outside the borders of the EU.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.