Apple al lavoro su uno smart display in stile iPad thumbnail

Apple will launch HomePod with 7-inch display in 2024

News from the Apple world: a HomePod redesigned with a 7 inch display in the first half of 2024according to Apple analyst Min-Chi Kuo.

HomePod with Apple display for the perfect smart home

Apple analyst Kuo said in a short post on Medium that the next-generation HomePod’s display could facilitate greater integration with Apple’s other hardware products.

In 2021, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman was the first to point out that Apple is working on new ‌HomePod‌ models with displays and cameras. He also reported that the Cupertino company was working on the feature multi-touch per ‌HomePod‌.

Indeed, Apple is believed to be rethinking its smart home strategy and is reportedly working on a combined Apple TV and HomePod device. But also on a HomePod with a screen mounted on a robotic arm. The ‌HomePod‌ is already running a variant of tvOS, but there are some hints that Apple is working on a new platform “homeOS”.

Bloomberg suggested the arrival of a new product with the characteristics of iPad specifically designed for use within the smart home ecosystem. It could be mounted on the wall and be used for viewing multimedia content and for video calls FaceTime.

HomePod Minithe first Apple speaker to arrive in Italy

HomePod Mini review

HomePod Mini is a smart speakerthen a smart speaker which takes advantage of the capabilities of Siri, Apple’s voice assistant. What is it for? In reality you can use it for a lot of different activities, starting from phone calls.

To start one you will only need an iPhone connected to the same Apple ID. That’s all. You manage the rest from HomePod Mini, relying on you to microphones that boast excellent range and allow you to have a conversation without getting stuck on the speaker. Plus it’s possible transfer calls from HomePod Mini to phone and vice versa simply by bringing the iPhone close to the small speaker.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.