Arlo Pro 4 XL, la videocamera che sorveglia la vostra casa mentre siete in vacanza thumbnail

Arlo Pro 4 XL, the camera that watches over your home while you are on vacation

Arlo Pro 4 XL is the video camera that monitors your home while you are on vacation. Arlothe leading surveillance camera brand in Europe, offers smart solutions to be able to devote to their daily tasks, remotely monitoring their home in total safety. Let’s find out all the details together.

Arlo Pro 4 XL, the camera that watches over your home while you are on vacation

arlo 4 pro xl tech princess 1

That summer has finally arrived is not only demonstrated by the temperature record that we reach every day but above all the end of schoolsthe moment that marks the arrival of holidays for children of all ages.

E if a parent leaves to accompany their children to sunny shores, thanks also to smart working, it often happens that the other you have to go to the office, given that these weeks are also marked by the return to the office of many workers. A support to make sure your home is protected and monitored.

And this is where Arlo comes to our aid, in particular Arlo Pro 4 XL.

It’s about a 100% wireless camera with smart functionality configurable in full autonomy. It boasts a powerful 2K HDR video resolution, speaker e integrated microphoneand is equipped with advanced detection functions powered by artificial intelligence. Thanks to them it is able to effectively distinguish people, animals, vehicles and packages.

Users are updated in real time with a simple notification on the smartphone when any movement is detected. Finally, thanks to special XL battery a single charge is enough to guarantee 365 days of autonomy.

You can also pair Arlo Pro 4 XL with a subscription to further customize and control your security Arlo Secureby accessing monitoring functions e advanced verification as the enhanced detection based on artificial intelligence and a patented technology response to threats even when the screen is locked.

The outdoor camera is now available on the Arlo official site at the price of 269,99 euro.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.