I co-fondatori di Instagram lanciano Artifact: un’app per notizie basata sull’IA thumbnail

Artifact, the news app closes after less than a year

Artifactl’news app created by Kevin Systrom e Mike Kriegerco-founders of Instagram, is closing its doors less than a year after launch. The app, which added social elements to news reading, did not appear to produce the market opportunities that executives expected.

Artifact, the news app shuts down less than a year after launch

The news directly from Systrom are Mediumwhere he explained that the main “reading news” features will remain available online until the end of February, while eliminating the commenting and posting functionality immediately.

The app, which has gained visibility for its user-based featuresartificial intelligence and for commenting and posting features similar to Reddit, which received praise from journalists. Many of us in the techgameworld.com editorial team also use it (or used to use it) on a daily basis. However, Systrom e Krieger they recognized, although the app attracted a small group of satisfied users, the market opportunity does not justify continued investment.

artifact app 1Credits photo: https://artifact.news/

Systrom has hinted that he might embark on a new project focused onartificial intelligence. And he emphasized the excitement of building new things in an era whereartificial intelligence it is revolutionizing multiple sectors.

I fan di Artifact they will still have a few weeks to take advantage of the news reading features before the app is finally discontinued, while Systrom looks to the future with the idea of ​​exploring new opportunities in a context of rapid technological change.

Did you use Artifact? Will you miss it? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.