L’Intelligenza Artificiale riporta Elvis Presley dal vivo thumbnail

Artificial Intelligence brings Elvis Presley back to life

If in 2023 we were surprised to have to announce the release of a new Beatles single with John Lennon, this 2024 has already relaunched in a big way: the King is about to return to the stage. Well yes, it will be in this case too Artificial Intelligence to revive Elvis Presley (assuming and not granted that he ever actually died).

In any case, conspiracy theories aside, the news concerns a holographic show called Elvis Evolutionscheduled for November 2024 in London, where the real Elvis never set foot.

The location has not yet been confirmed, but it would also be part of the promoters’ plans a tour between Berlin and Tokyo, as well as the essential Las Vegaswhere the real Elvis ended his career in the golden prison of the International Hotel, the venue where he held his historic residence concerts.

Elvis Evolution: the King returns live thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Behind this ambitious project there is Layered Reality, a British company at the forefront of immersive experiences. The company has previously produced shows like Jeff Wayne’s The War of The Worlds: The Immersive Experience and The Gunpowder Plot.

Layered Reality – which received approval from Authentic Brands Group, which owns the rights to the show, to design the show Elvis Presley Enterprises – describes Elvis Evolution thus:

“A great new show celebrating the world’s biggest star of stage and screen, Elvis Presley, with a breathtaking concert finale and a personal invitation to the after-party. The show culminates with a concert experience that will recreate the seismic impact of seeing Elvis live for a new generation of fans, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. A life-size digital Elvis will share his most iconic songs and moves for the first time on a British stage. Elvis fans can expect an unforgettable experience like no other. Thanks to AI and cutting-edge technologies, it will be possible to witness Elvis’ iconic performances as if you were actually there, and celebrate the defining moments of Elvis Presley’s extraordinary life and career.”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.