Audi e Porsche debutteranno in Formula 1 thumbnail

Audi and Porsche will debut in Formula 1 over the next few years

Audi and Porsche will debut in Formula 1 thumbnail

Audi and Porsche are preparing to enter the world of Formula 1. The confirmation came today directly from Herbert Diess, CEO of the Volkswagen Group, who confirmed the rumors that had been circulating on the net for some time. The two brands of the German group have started preparations to make the big leap and debut, in the near future, in the Circus.

Audi and Porsche: the future is in Formula 1

The Formula 1 is preparing to record big news over the next few years with the debut of Audi and Porsche. The two premium brands of the Volkswagen Group, in fact, will enter the championship in the future as confirmed by the company’s CEO, Herbert Diess. The project does not foresee an immediate debut in the premier class of motor racing but the decision has been made.

Appointment in 2026?

Convincing the two brands to make the big leap was the new generation of engines, equipped with technology that is more transferable to road cars. According to preliminary information, Audi and Porsche could debut in Formula 1 starting in 2026. More details on the plans of the two German brands for the debut in the championship will certainly arrive over the next few years.

Certainly, both Audi and Porsche will aim to achieve high performance with the aim of carving out a space as protagonists in the championship. We will see how long it will take before the two brands make their debut in Formula 1.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.