
Autonomous driving test: still too dangerous for experts

We have been talking about the efficiency of autonomous driving for some time, but at the moment the tests have been a real disaster and, according to experts, today we cannot rely on it at all

For several months now there has been more and more talk about an autonomous driving system, a new way of driving that It seems very convenient and useful for all those drivers who, instead of driving, prefer to be transported by their own vehicle. Just a month ago there was an autonomous driving test on the motorway in Italy, to prepare even more for the future of engines and fully embrace this new technology. It seems, however, that this new technology is not ready yet. The guys from the research team carried out new tests Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a team that continues to analyze the safety data of the autonomous driving system. At the moment the results have not been the best.

Autonomous driving test: still too dangerous for expertsAutonomous driving test: still too dangerous for experts

Bad results in tests of the autonomous driving system

Among the autonomous driving tests, there have been many 14 of systems analyzed. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety research team concluded that just one system has achieved results that are mostly acceptablefor the rest it was a total disaster. Among the tests they carried out, they noticed that drivers tend not to move even a muscle, firmly believing that they don't have to make even the slightest intervention to drive. Unfortunately, things are not like that at all. relying totally on autonomous driving is extremely dangerous. Today we have not yet reached the point where a vehicle is so intelligent that it can take us to our destination without us putting our hands on the wheel, human intervention is always necessary. This shows, therefore, that the autonomous driving system still has a long way to go.

What do you think? How much longer will we have to wait before relying on this driving system? Tell us your opinion in the comments and continue to follow us on techgameworld.com for other news from the world of motors and much more.