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Avowed: Here are some awesome new details about the new Obsidian game

Avowed, the new title in development at the studios of Obsidian Entertainment is arousing more and more curiosity in the gamer community. The game, which should be set in the same narrative universe as Pillars of Eternity it is in fact still a great mystery and there is little official information currently disclosed. Despite this, there are several very interesting rumors circulating about the game. Let’s take a look at all the new details that have surfaced on Avowed.

Avowed: here are the new details on the game

To shed light on the state of work on the game were the guys from Windows Central, who explained that Avowed would be in a state at the moment advanced pre production. In practice this means that the developers are about to complete an initial and functional version of the game, in which it is already possible to observe and try the basics of the gameplay.

Staying on the subject of game mechanics, Avowed should present gameplay very similar to what is seen in Skyrim, complete with a focus on exploration, a class system and a strong one narrative component that will accompany us for the duration of the adventure. As for the graphics engine, this will be the same one used for The Outer World, of course improved for the next gen.

One of the most interesting details that emerged in the description given by Windows Central concerns the combat system. According to what is reported, in fact, the game will be in the first person and will guarantee total freedom to the player in the management of weapons, allowing the user to equip pairs of swords, daggers and spells, or maybe two different spells in both hands, exactly as it happened in ‘ latest chapter of The Elder Scrolls.

In addition to this, the combat system should be enriched by a larger amount of moves unlockable (luckily we add). Thanks to this, bladed warriors should have a long series of melee attacks at their disposal, while mages should be able to combine their spells with destructive effects on a large scale.

Klobrille also has his say

In the past few hours too Goggles, another well-known insider, had his say on the subject, describing the game as a more colorful Skyrim. The user explained that he saw one pre-alpha version of the game, confirming what was reported by the editors of Windows Central.

Avowed new details

“A curiosity: the first person spell shown in the Avowed teaser trailer is present in the game exactly as we saw it – writes the insider – The animations of the spells in general they seem to be a particularly neat aspect “.

“Avowed will show us a wild Obsidian Entertainment,” Klobrille specified, just to add further hype around the project announced last year by Microsoft, and that in all likelihood available exclusively on PC and Xbox.

When will he show up again?

Of course, all the new details that emerged on Avowed described in the previous paragraphs are from take it with pliers, since it is in all respects a rumor. It must also be considered, however, that the sources from which these rumors come are quite authoritative and already have a long list of correct predictions, so the hypothesis that what is described is true is not to be discarded a priori.

Avowed new details

At the moment, however, we remind you that Avowed is still lacking a release date, and that according to various sources, the software house should show a working version of the game on the occasion of theE3 2022.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.