Bang & Olufsen, il passato incontra il presente alla Milano Design Week 2021 thumbnail

Bang & Olufsen, the past meets the present at Milan Design Week 2021

On the occasion of the Milano Design Week 2021, Bang & Olufsen presented a exhibition itinerary which was created with the aim of raising public awareness of the phenomenon of the increasing quantity of electronic waste, and suggesting concrete solutions for new practices aimed at ‘designing’ waste and waste. The company therefore invites consumers to maintain, repair and upgrade their audio products, without giving up even for a moment the pleasure of perfect acoustics.

The Bang & Olufsen exhibition during Milan Design Week 2021

The show opens with a practical example of Bang & Olufsen’s approach to modular design. In fact, there is one exploded view of the Beogram 4000 series turntable of the 1970s, which helps to understand how the principles of long-lasting design have for some time been the basis of products designed and manufactured to remain functional and performing well beyond the first life cycle for Bang & Olufsen.

Beogram 4000 Bang & Olufsen

It is then shown how the company has applied the principles of modular design to the Beosound Level speaker. It is the first audio product in the world to achieve Cradle to Cradle Bronze certification. The exhibition then closes with Bang & Olufsen’s vision of the future. Products of different ages, in fact, connect with each other. We find the Beogram 4002 from 1975 which, with the wireless option, connects perfectly to the Beolab 28 speakers presented in April 2021. In this way the sound system remains perfect for decades ensuring a high level of music quality for years to come.

“We are very proud of our path to fight against technological obsolescence. We have gone a long way despite knowing that we are only at the beginning of the journey. Our product strategy has solid foundations in the study of concrete solutions to reverse the trend towards ever shorter product life cycles, in the reduction of electronic waste and in the transformation of the sector with a positive progression. “, Says Mads Kogsgaard Hansen, responsible for the circularity of products at Bang & Olufsen and promoter of the regeneration campaign of the great B&O classics.

A technology that lasts a lifetime

Furthermore, starting from September 2021 All owners of a vintage Beogram 4000, 4002, 6000 and 4004 turntable can purchase a product upgrade service kit. The kit includes the new dust cover with aluminum details, interconnect cables, new handcrafted wood panels in two finishes, a RIAA preamplifier to allow modern audio connectivity and a maintenance and assistance service to ensure the functionality of the turntable.

This initiative allows customers to future-proof their turntables and treat them as investments for generations to come.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.