Su Snapchat arriva la nuova Lente in AR di Barbie thumbnail

Barbie on Snapchat becomes an AR Lens

Snapchat e Warner Bros Discovery teamed up to launch an innovative campaign in Augmented Reality (AR) to promote the highly anticipated film Barbie, on the occasion of its theatrical release. This campaign aims to reach Snapchatter’s large audience, which has over 383 million daily active users and engages over 90 percent of 13-24 year olds in over 20 countries.

Barbie on Snapchat becomes an AR Lens

The campaign leverages Snapchat AR experiences, including l’AR Try-On e l’AR Landmarker in person. On June 30, the new was launcheda Barbie Lens in AR, which allows Snapchatters to wear the look of the protagonists of the film, Margot Robbie e Ryan Gosling, inspired by the clothes of the feature film.

The virtual wardrobe offers a variety of outfits and accessories inspired by the costumes of the filmgiving Snapchatters the chance to try on and create their own perfect Barbie outfit.

Barbie Lens Snapcode min

Also, Snapchat offers a unique experience with the feature Barbie Landmarker. Warner Bros. Discovery has used Snapchat technology to transform some of the world’s most iconic landmarks, including theRome’s Colosseum, Paris’ Eiffel Tower, London’s Tower Bridge, Sydney’s Harbor Bridge and Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate. Snapchatters can scan these places using the Barbie Loupe. So they will see the monuments turn into a vibrant pink or pastel color. As if they were monuments taken directly from Barbie Land.

The collaboration between Snapchat e Warner Bros. Discovery demonstrated the effectiveness of AR experiences in engaging and entertaining audiences, providing an engaging and innovative promotion for the movie Barbie. With a large audience of young users reached around the world, Snapchat remains a go-to platform for marketing campaigns in Augmented Reality.

Do you want to try the new Lenses before going to the cinema? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.