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Bard: Google’s AI can now generate images

Google has launched an update for its virtual assistant Bardwhich he is now capable of generate images using artificial intelligence (TO THE). This is a feature highly requested by users, given the growing popularity of AI image generation (and also given that Bing, Bard’s main competitor, has already implemented the feature).

However, the new tool is not available (at least for the moment) in Europe.

Google Bard’s AI image generator

Similarly to what already happens with Bing, to users just ask Bard for a specific image (adding a description) for it to be created.

Once generated, images are retained in featured chats, recent chats, and Bard Activity, and can be deleted from the tab Bard Activitiesdeleting the prompt that generated them.

The Google Bard update also brought improvements to the version Pro the Geminiwhich is now better able to understand, summarize, reason and even brainstorm with the user.

There are obviously some limits and restrictions

Obviously it will not be possible to generate certain types of images. In fact, Google announced that it has limited violent, offensive or sexual content from its training data. There are therefore gods filters to avoid the generation of images of this type.

Bard also inserts gods Digitally identifiable watermarks in the generated images. Watermark can distinguish real images from AI ones. This also helps prevent the commercial use of the images generatedwhich could create significant legal problems.

Finally there are some geographical limitations (at least for now). The new functionality is in fact available all over the world, including the United States, except in Europe, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.