Lo studio di BCG analizza il metaverso: il mercato varrà fino a 400 miliardi di dollari nel 2025 thumbnail

BCG’s study explores the future of the metaverse

BCG study analyzes the metaverse: the market will be worth up to $ 400 billion in 2025 thumbnail

Young woman using a virtual reality headset

Il metaverso is destined to become a real point of reference in everyday life with the possibility of achieving a market value of $ 400 billion by 2025. Many companies are investing significantly in the sector. To take stock of the situation comes a new BCG study.

The metaverse: a 400 billion dollar market with a focus on consumers, the data of the BCG study

The Corporate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Metaverse study published by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), analyzes the current state and future evolution of the metaverse market. The investigation highlighted 3 main components: the Metaverse Worlds, the tools necessary to live the immersive experience of augmented reality and the virtual assets that users can buy and exchange.

According to BBSG estimates, over the next few years, the metaverse sector is set to experience strong growth in its market value. The “metaverses”, in fact, could arrive at reach $ 400 billion by 2025. The market will be driven byeconomics of virtual assets and from augmented, virtual and mixed reality hardware and software solutions as well as from‘network and cloud infrastructure and from IT and communication infrastructures.

Antonio Faraldi, Managing Director and Partner of BCG, he declares: “The convergence between the elements that make up the Metaverse is destined to continue. Certainly within the individual projects, probably even beyond, towards an accomplished vision which, however, lacks a decisive piece: interoperability between worlds so wide as to make them a continuum. ”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.