Beyond Good and Evil 2: the release could take place in 2024

After Tom Henderson’s statements a few days ago regarding the release of Beyond Good and Evil 2, new hypotheses emerge regarding an arrival in 2024

A few days ago we talked about how Beyond Good and Evil 2, I play in been in development for nearly twenty years in the studios of the French videogame house Ubisoft, he found himself in a more than precarious position. Following the loss of the creator of Rayman and the first BG&E title, game director Michel Ancel, accused of having created a toxic climate within the team and of having misused the funds given by the company causing the restart of the project numerous times, an impossible hole to fill opened in the executive department.

This fact, also accompanied by Ubisoft’s ambitions, which seem to be starting to aim towards horizons that move away from the common single-player narrative experiences, has led the developers of the title to believe the cancellation is inevitable. Yet, all seems not to be lost: at least this is what we discover thanks to a developer of Beyond Good and Evil 2, which figures a release of the game for 2024.

Will Beyond Good and Evil 2 Release in 2024?

Insider and leaker Tom Henderson, author of some of the most sensational videogame leaks for years, had initially spread the news of the cancellation by Beyond Good and Evil 2 a few days ago. Its sources weren’t official, but they still came from people inside the development team, who they probably perceived a growing detachment of the French company towards the IP. The game had been called a “Skull & Bones 2.0”, and Henderson himself returns several times to reply on Twitter after his claims were taken up by major websites, explaining how the game is in reality. still in development, and what he reported were the personal thoughts of some people close to the title.

In any case, a developer of Beyond Good and Evil 2 seems to have come to help to calm the waters, who would have contacted the insider following the statements he reported, revealing how the game is still found. several years later from the future release, which could take place in 2024 or 2025. But obviously, these remain some assumptions, and news yet to be confirmed; in addition, knowing that there are at least four other years separating us from the release of Beyond Good and Evil 2 highlights the possibility that development has restarted once again.

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Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.