Bowie On The Blockchain: arrivano gli NFT di David Bowie thumbnail

Bowie On The Blockchain: David Bowie’s NFTs arrive

A new digital art project is about to arrive, this time dedicated to the iconic David Bowiewhich includes a collection of NFT made by nine artists. The initiative, called Bowie On The Blockchainwill be launched next week.

The project was born thanks to the partnership between different realities, including the Bowie Estate – who manages the legacy of the late artist – OpenSeae We Love The Arts from Andrew D. Keller e Joaquin Acrich.

Nine artists to create NFTs in homage to David Bowie

Bowie on the Blockchain arriva on September 13 on OpenSea. The collection is described as “a one-of-a-kind NFT sale of multiple artists” that will bring together the work of nine artists. Each of these, including also Nadya Tolokonnikova of the Pussy Riotcreated “his own unique works to pay homage to David Bowie and his influence on their artistic and personal identities”.

Speaking of the initiative Nadya Tolokonnikova said: “David Bowie for me represents the Platonic ideal of an artist. Charismatic, passionate, imaginative, magnetic. A magician and a source of inspiration. I am in awe and always will be. David Bowie is my father ”.

David Bowie movie

One hundred percent of the profits from the sale will go to the Bowie Estate, which will donate the money to the humanitarian organization CAREfor which Bowie’s widow Iman serves as the Global Advocate.

To David Bowie, and his Heroes, we have dedicated a recent episode of Inside the Song, the column with which we go to the discovery of the genesis and meaning of timeless songs. We have also dedicated an article to the White Duke on all the characters of his chameleonic career.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.