BuzzFeed ha deciso di adottare ChatGPT per migliorare i suoi contenuti thumbnail

BuzzFeed has decided to adopt ChatGPT to improve its content

BuzzFeed has decided to adopt artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT to significantly improve the contents offered to the public. To do this, he decided to rely directly on OpenAIat least according to a note of the CEO Johan Peretti e visionata dal Wall Street Journal.

How ChatGPT can help BuzzFeed

According to Peretti, OpenAI’s intervention is essential for improving content such as online quizzes.

“Imagine a quiz that asks the user to create the plot of a romantic movie – said in the note – one of the questions could ask the user to describe one of his cutest flaws and, based on the answers, the tool would provide each user the synopsis of a different film, customized according to the reader’s personality”.

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In the BuzzFeed CEO’s idea, therefore, artificial intelligences could be used to open up one new era of creativity within the company as well as being a valid help for the drafting of the articles.

It’s no wonder that a major publisher like BuzzFeed wants to implement AI within its newsroom. Already during the CES 2023 held in Las Vegas, some French journalists used ChatGPT to write an entire report on the event, obtaining great success and curiosity.

However, we must pay close attention: although the AI ​​developed by OpenAI has proved to be revolutionary, these systems are not always infallible. In fact, before BuzzFeed, the news site CNET had also decided to integrate artificial intelligence into its editorial staff, with disastrous results.

Journalists, in fact, had to rewrite dozens of articles as the artificial intelligence used had reported very inaccurate news.

In any case, the fact that BuzzFeed has decided to rely on OpenAI can bode well: by interfacing directly with the manufacturer of ChatGPT, it could be able to optimally implement AI in the newsroom.

Yet one question remains: after the 180 journalists fired last December, how could the remaining editors interpret this desire to insert ChatGPT in one of the most famous news sites?

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.