Call of Duty Warzone: Bug turns doors into tools of death

Door open for door, door not door: Call of Duty Warzone doors have taken the … habit of killing players

In the latest twist in online gaming to make us misuse the saints on the calendar, the door of Call of Duty Warzone they took up the hobby of killing players. We doubt these are intended mechanics like Final Fantasy IV’s killing door. Much more plausible, however, is the hypothesis that it is a simple bug. Let me be clear: there is clearly worse, but this has not prevented the first unfortunates from finding themselves on the ground lifeless at the hand (or handle) of the infamous door.

Fate is death with doors: Call of Duty Warzone’s not-so-crafty burglar alarm

Of course, fans on YouTube and Reddit are having a field day with Call of Duty Warzone’s killing doors right now. Unless you are part of the players, unaware victims or knowingly paranoid as they are, videos like the one below do not fail to make us laugh at the instant in which a subjective view leaves room for a helpless little body submerged by the sweaty loot. Take a look at the movie below to realize it.

Even the comments to the various posts are already unleashing an authentic distillation of goliardic Internet sagacity, among those who wonder why knocking on a barred door to those who instead address a more sardonic “why didn’t you try to shoot?”. We do not doubt that Infinity Ward, or any of the development teams on Activision’s payroll at this point, are already in full swing. Of course, when it comes to seasonally structured battle royale, bugs are a problem that you have to deal with constantly.

Now it’s up to you to tell us yours: what do you think of dangerous doors? Let us know by knocking on the comments section, and as always don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and more. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.

Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.