Cellularline, il report ESG 2022: verso una società B Corp con prodotti ecosostenibili e impegno per l’ambiente thumbnail

Cellularline, the 2022 ESG report: towards a B Corp company with eco-sustainable products and commitment to the environment

For the third consecutive year, the Cellularline groupa leading European company in the sector of accessories for smartphones and tablets, has published the new edition of report ESGwhich reiterates the new course of society based on a 360° sustainable business modelwhere “development, inclusion, sharing and giving back to the territory go hand in hand” as the CEO writes Christian Aleotti in the opening letter.

The Cellularline report: sustainability is the real strength

The best practices and the relevant performances that the Group, listed on Euronext Milan-STAR Segment, has achieved in six main areas of action are indicated inside – Governance, People, Community, Providers, Environment e Clients – under a single direction represented by purpose formalized in 2021: YOUmanizing the devices’ experienceenhance the virtuous interaction between the human and technological components.

BIA, the method adopted by Cellularline for its report

The method adopted for the analysis of the overall results is the BIA, Benefit Impact Assessmentdeveloped and promoted by the non-profit organization B Lab to facilitate the performance reporting process according to the standard of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In this way it is possible to objectively measure an evident growth in almost all the areas in which the Group is engaged, with a step of the score BIA overall – or the sum of the scores of the six categories indicated above – from 64.4 in 2021 to 75.4 in 2022.

Native and KPMG

Next to Cellularline there is also Nativewhich is following the Group in the transition process undertaken to become a company B Corpone of the most ambitious and valuable projects declared in the ESG report among future commitments of the company, e KPMG which was entrusted with the consultancy and support in the drafting of the report, as well as the certification of corporate performance.

Driving the growth in terms of BIA score is the company’s commitment toEnvironmentcon 5.6 points more than in 2021translated: 901 Tons of offset CO2, equal to more than 100% of scope 1 and 2 emissions; installation of the photovoltaic system in the Reggio Emilia headquarters, to achieve the 70% energy self-sustainability.

Cellularline ifa 2022 min

Cellularline Oasis

renewal ofCellularline Oasis in collaboration with 3Bee for the protection of 14 beehives (for a total of over 600,000 bees) and participation – also in 2022 – in the project 1% for the Planetthrough the donation of a share of the turnover belonging to the BECOME line of eco-sustainable products made with a component of recycled materials, which allow a significant reduction in the introduction of new plastic into the production processes, and packaged in recycled and recyclable paper packaging.

The Product & Packaging chapter of the Cellularline report

In the chapter Prodotto & Packaging stands out as in the course of 2022 Cellularline has reduced the use of single-use plastic by 60%.. In 2022, 91% of the paper used by the Group for packaging is FSC certified. Another solution adopted in this sense was the design of packaging with smaller dimensions for numerous product lines, an action which allowed a considerable reduction in the material used and in the logistical impact.

In particular, in the “Energy” product category (primarily chargers and cables), thanks to this strategy, 19 tons of paper were saved. Added to this is an increasingly careful management of the supply chain in compliance with the Code of Conduct specially created by the company in an ESG key.

Consumers & Users

Growing performance also regarding Consumers & Usersin whose chapter the great success of the 2022 edition of Live The Excellence a Reggio Emiliaas well as for People & Community (respectively +3.4 and +1.7 compared to the 2021 BIA) thanks to the important people care activity and the internal construction of an environment that respects the Diversity, Equality & Inclusion criteria, through dedicated training activities promoted by the team cross functionalspecially created in 2022, made up of several corporate figures, belonging to different functions and roles and identified on a voluntary basis.

Not only environmental sustainability, but also social sustainability

Sustainability not only environmental, therefore, but also socialthanks to the relationships between the Group and various local and national realities: from the dialogue with the University of Parmaof Bologna, of Modena-Reggio EmiliaCatholic University for placement, the introduction of new young people in the company and to promote initiatives in the ESG field, the partnership with TED x Reggio Emiliail Youth Festival, Dynamo CampLifeed and Fondazione Libellula, up to participation in working groups with Unindustria Reggio Emilia, Retail Institute, HR Community e the Digital Innovation Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.