Celly reveals the unexpected advantages and benefits of headphones and earphones, presenting the list of 10 golden rules for the correct use of your devices and to enjoy the best listening experience without worries
Headphones and earphones have now become indispensable companions in daily routine of all, helping to cope smart working and distance learning, business meetings and phone calls, as well as for pleasure, even on the move. Because of this Celly – Italian brand of accessories for smartphones of the Esprinet Group – has now decided to take stock of how to best use these devices thanks to the contribution of Dr. Arturo Armone Caruso, ENT of My Doctor – the leading platform in online booking of medical visits and part of the Docplanner group – providing some practical advice and useful tips a to take care of of your hearing.
Celly earphones: Ultrabeat ANC
Celly earphones: headphones or earphones? A technology for every need
The people of smart workers do divide in two factions: there are those who love the external headphones, positioned above the ear, and those who prefer cuffie in-ear, which fit directly into the auricle. In first case, you can choose between two different types: the so-called open headphones, that is, those with a perforated surface, and the closed headphones, characterized by two comfortable pads. the open headphones offer one good sound dispersion, guaranteeing a lower sound pressure inside the ear, but it is important pay attention e non fall into the temptation of constantly increase the volume per counter possible background noises; the closed headphonesinstead, they guarantee a better isolation from the environment surrounding and allow to significantly reduce listening volumes, alleviando it hearing stress. Finally, the headphones in-ear islander even better come on external noises but, as the expert points out, “they must be used carefully and without reaching excessive volumes, to avoid, over time, incurring annoying problems“.
Celly earphones: Mini1
The benefits of a correct use of headphones and earphones: posture and more!
Who would have thought that gods simple devices born to listen to music and carry out calls on the go could be an excellent “gym” for the musculature of all the body e especially for the back? The specialist from My Doctor he explains that “those who use headphones have the advantage of performing multiple tasks at the same time, without ever losing connection quality. Their use favors a good ergonomic organization of all the muscles: the muscles of the body remain relaxed and the back can maintain the correct posture for several hours, thus avoiding tension and stiffening of the neck and shoulders and problems with the spine “. These benefits from the physical point of view they have a positive impact also onemotional aspect e behavioral of those who use these devices, above all during work; recalls the otorino: “a more relaxed body helps the brain to increase the level of concentration and to reduce stress and fatigue”.
Celly earphones: Slide1
Celly earphones: the 10 golden rules for the correct use of earphones and headphones
Celly and theexpert from My Doctor have drawn up one list of ten simple tips that they can improve usage of these devices, protecting health of your hearing. Here they are:
To respond to different needs of the consumers, Celly has fine-tuned the innovative range of earphones with True Wireless technology — come MINI1 e SLIDE1 – able to offer asuperior listening experience. I sounds they come in fact transferred via Bluetooth, without the use of cables, thanks to a small chip placed inside headphones and earphones, reducing any kind of encumbrance. Furthermore, through the stereo technology sounds are broadcast on two different channels (right and left earphone), allowing one more homogeneous distribution e much more natural. This effect is active also during calls and that means that the speaker’s voice he comes transmitted gives both earphones and, thanks to built-in microphone in both, it is possible use either the right earphone only or the left earphone only, avoiding the effect of isolation from the surrounding environment.
Also, for the lovers from the cuffie on-ear, Celly has devised the new wireless solutions HYPERBEAT e ULTRABEAT ANC, ideal for both entertainment both for it smart working thanks to the high comfort, technology Bluetooth 5.0, which guarantees the best sound quality and one more performing battery life, al integrated microphone and to possibility of remote control. Also, the headphones ULTRABEAT ANC boast a foldable design, perfect for who it is often traveling for work, and integrate the function Active Noise Cancelling, which allows you to remove all background noises, to enjoy the own music incomplete relax.
What do you think of Celly’s advice? Let us know yours in the comments section, then I invite you to follow our mobile section so as not to miss any news or reviews.
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