La CEO Yaccarino difende X (Twitter), ma non ha l'app nella home dell'iPhone thumbnail

CEO Yaccarino defends X (Twitter), but doesn’t have the app on her iPhone home

The CEO of X (formerly Twitter), Linda Yaccarino, tried to defend his company and owner Elon Musk’s positions during the Code Conference. Before you, during the conference, the former Twitter security manager had spoken Yoel Roth, who explained how Musk actively put him in danger. And during the interview, Yaccarino had to defend Musk’s words – even the ones he wasn’t aware of. But when he showed his iPhone to the public, photographers noticed the CEO did not have the X app on her homepage.

Yaccarino, the CEO defends X (Twitter) but doesn’t have the app on the iPhone home

“I think a lot of people in this room weren’t quite prepared for me to go on stage,” Yaccarno told interviewer Julia Boorstin, senior media and technology correspondent at CNBC. That’s because Yaccarino had learned earlier in the day that Kara Swisherone of the co-founders of Code Conferencehad booked a surprise guest to appear before her: Yoel Roth, former head of security at Twitter. Who did not use half measures in expressing his disappointment with X and its owner Elon Musk.

During the interview with SwisherRoth recounted how Musk personally put his life in danger. As The Verge recalls, Musk had in fact suggested on Twitter that Roth supported the sexualization of children, a completely unfounded claim. That led to death threats and Roth’s address posted online. Roth explained that he had to move house for his own safety and that of his family. And he suggested Yaccarino think about how Musk might turn his attention against her too. Furthermore, he pointed out that X was losing users and advertisers.

Linda Yaccarino’s defense of X (and Musk).

twitter x dark mode min

Roth’s criticisms are not new. But Yaccarino was visibly upset at having to appear immediately after a well-known critic of her company, noting that she had less than an hour to prepare. And the CEO has reiterated several times that she has led the social network for only 12 weeks. As if to say that Roth’s recriminations do not concern her.

“I work for X, he worked at Twitter” he underlined. But his defense of X and Musk continued, across the board. He said that theAnti-Defamation League (ADL)which Musk has threatened to sue, is concentrating too much focus on antisemitism on X without acknowledging the improvements made by the platform.

Furthermore, he talked about the worry regarding advertiser flight, saying most big companies are returning to X.

40 minutes on the grill

Yaccarino’s defense will not convince X’s detractors. Above all, he has dismissed criticisms of content moderation, preferring to talk about freedom of speech without discussing antisemitism and racism. But he answered tough questions for 40 minutes, showing stress and tension, but still defending the company – a nice change of pace from Elon Musk’s canceled press conferences.

The most difficult moment, however, comes when the interview focuses on some statements from Musk himself. In particular, when Boorstin asks about Musk saying that X might become paid. Yaccarino asked to repeat the question, then asked “did he say that we are making this transition or that he is thinking about it”. When the interviewer asked if Musk didn’t consult her, Yaccarino said, “We talk about everything.” But he did not clarify X’s plans.

Does not have the X app on the iPhone home

But there is another moment that is causing discussion on the web, when Yaccarino showed off his iPhone: which doesn’t have X (Twitter) on the home screen.

Linda Yaccarino X CEO iPhone home screen min

Usually users put the most used apps in the first iPhone home, so that you can access them as soon as you unlock your phone. But although Yaccarino has in plain sight both Instagram and Facebook, X is not seen.

This doesn’t mean that Yaccarino doesn’t use X: it could simply be a coincidence. But surely many X users will repost this image to make fun of the CEO. Yaccarino cares enough about

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.