ChatGPT: il Parlamento Europeo è pronto a una regolamentazione più severa thumbnail

ChatGpt: the European Parliament is ready for stricter regulation

ChatGPT: the European Parliament is ready for stricter regulation thumbnail

The new regulation on artificial intelligence could soon have the green light from the European Parliament, which is preparing to vote new and stricter rules for ChatGPT and other software based on artificial intelligence AI. This was revealed by parliamentary sources who are following the dossier closely (via Ansa).

The discussion is also particularly heated in Italy, where the operation of the chatbot owned by OpenAI it has been suspended for a few weeks now. A few days ago, the Italian privacy guarantor gave new impetus to MEPs, who have been negotiating a series of proposals in the context of theArtificial Intelligence Acta document that aims to regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Act: how the European Parliament will regulate ChatGPT

Among the most delicate points of the document is certainly the ban on the use of facial recognition technologies in public spaces, a measure that seems to have the support of the majority of the chamber. If the agreement is reached, the parliamentarians will begin negotiations with the Commission and the EU Council.

According to Financial Times, who dedicated an article to the topic, the MPs would also like to impose greater transparency on copyright issues on developers of products such as ChatGPT. In particular companies will need to disclose whether they use copyrighted material to train their AI models.

Precisely on this topic, last week, she intervened Universal Music Group (UMG), one of the most important record labels in the world. The label has complained that much of the AI-generated music uploaded to digital stores would infringe copyright.

  • Mark Brunasso

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