Scegliere le offerte Internet + TV conviene: il risparmio è di 125 euro thumbnail

Choosing the Internet + TV offers is worthwhile: you save 125 euros

Choosing the Internet + TV offers is worthwhile: the savings are 125 euros. Thumbnail

Young woman watching TV in the room

The new survey by the and Observatory focuses on convenience of Internet + TV offers. As revealed by the study, betting on the rates that combine the Internet connection at home with one or more Pay TV services guarantees a savings of 9% on the total expenditure. Here are the results highlighted by the study that confirms that it is worthwhile to focus on combined rates.

Focusing on Internet + TV offers is worthwhile: the results of the and Observatory

Choosing the combined Internet and TV offers is worthwhile. According to the data collected by the study, in fact, the annual expenditure demand from operators for this type of offer is, on average, equal to 469 euro. Although this figure is significantly higher than that recorded last year (+ 18%), there is the possibility for users to obtain substantial savings.

For those who opt for this type of offers, in fact, there is the possibility of save 125 euros annor (equal to over 10 euros per month). This data results greater than 9% compared to the data collected from last year’s survey.

Betting on Internet + TV offers allows you to reduce expenses by 21% compared to the separate activation of the two services. It is therefore evident that it is increasingly convenient for users to focus on this type of offer, net of being able to identify a right bundle that allows the desired PayTV services to be combined with the Internet connection.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.